What You Need to Know About Carbon Monoxide & HVAC Systems

When a gas-fueled furnace experiences a breakdown, things can get stressful. A crack or leak can cause large amounts of carbon monoxide (CO) to seep into the indoor air, causing a variety of health problems. In today’s post, Albert Air Inc., your local contractor with good ductless air conditioner reviews, discusses the threat of carbon monoxide as a result of inefficient HVAC systems.

Carbon Monoxide Risks

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless gas that’s both flammable and toxic. When inhaled, it prevents the blood from transporting oxygen. CO poisoning occurs when vital organs of the body don’t receive enough oxygen. Symptoms include headache, nausea, impaired judgment and vision and locomotion problems.

Preventing CO Problems Through HVAC Maintenance

Performing regular maintenance on furnaces and other gas-fueled heating equipment is the best solution for preventing potential CO problems inside the property. A certified technician can look for signs of excessive wear and tear, which can be due to overuse or short-cycling issues that prematurely age the unit. From there, the pro will provide a recommendation on whether to install a new Carrier evaporator coil in place of the old component or just replace the entire unit.

Staying on Top of CO Issues

In addition to having your HVAC equipment inspected, you should also check your HVAC vents for proper airflow. Blocked vents can drive your heating costs up, overworking the equipment until cracks in the interior components begin to appear. Also, it’s crucial to invest in CO detectors and alarms to ensure your home or business and the people in it are safe from this toxin.

When you ask yourself, “Where can I find reliable heat pump and ductless air conditioner installers near me?”, just remember that you can count on Albert Air Inc. Our NATE-certified technicians are ready to provide the best possible HVAC services for your business.

Give us a call at (714) 526-6368 or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate or schedule a service.