3 Common Reasons for Poor Indoor Air Quality

You probably already know that indoor air quality (IAQ) is closely tied to your safety and health. That’s why, if you want safe, breathable air inside your home, you should try to learn more about the things that can negatively affect it. The trusted source of high-quality Carrier® evaporator coils and other related products, Albert Air Inc, discusses some of the common causes of poor indoor air quality in this post. 

Clogged air filters. Have you checked the air filters of your HVAC system recently? They may have accumulated dust, pet dander and other harmful particles over the past few weeks. This buildup will not only hamper the way conditioned air is distributed throughout your house, but may also be the reason you’ve been sneezing or coughing a bit too much lately. To avoid poor indoor air quality (IAQ), be sure to clean or change the filters at least once a month.

Smoke. Cigarette smoke has a tendency to stick to furniture, drapes and walls, instantly compromising the IAQ in any given room. Even if you only smoke outdoors, there’s still a chance that your HVAC system will pull that smoke back into your house. You can either ditch the habit or invest in a high-quality air purification system from Albert Air Inc. While we consistently receive excellent ductless air conditioner reviews from satisfied customers, this doesn’t mean our service is limited only to HVAC installation. We can, in fact, also help improve your home’s IAQ with top-tier solutions from trusted industry name, Carrier®.

Mold. A home that feels muggy and uncomfortable may have too much indoor humidity. A warm, humid environment breeds mold, which in turn causes poor IAQ due to the spores it releases into the air. You’ll know this because the air will smell musty and stale. Fortunately, this is easy enough to prevent. You can get rid of excess humidity in your home–and eliminate the potential for mold formation–by running a high-quality ventilator or dehumidifier. Albert Air Inc. offers both. We’ll be more than happy to help you explore your options when you turn to us for your indoor air quality needs.

Call Us Today

You might recognize the name Albert Air Inc. because it’s one of the top results when you look up “premier ductless air conditioner installers near me” online. But quality HVAC installations aren’t the only service we offer. You can also count on us for exceptional indoor air quality solutions. Call us today at (714) 526-6368 or fill out this contact form to schedule your consultation. We proudly serve Fullerton, CA, and surrounding areas in North Orange County.