What to Expect During an HVAC Tune-Up

If you want to keep your system running efficiently and save on heating and cooling costs, it’s important to address HVAC repairs in a timely manner, as well as perform preventive maintenance. Doing so will result in an HVAC system that’s less likely to experience burnouts and breakdowns. 

In today’s blog post, the experts at Albert Air inc. explain exactly what happens during an HVAC tune-up. 

What’s Included in Your HVAC Tune-Up

One of the first things your technician will do is check the coolant level and pressure. They should also perform a calibration of the thermostat and electrical system, and the wiring, contacts, capacitors and relays will be tightened. In addition, they’ll clean and inspect the condenser, outdoor disconnect, fan motor and blades. Parts will be lubricated as needed, and additional safety and efficiency checks will be done. The heating and air conditioning service could take at least an hour, depending on your system’s configuration. 

When Should You Schedule Your Maintenance?

Schedule regular maintenance twice a year, in the early summer to be sure your system is ready for the warmer months, and at the beginning of winter to make certain it will keep your home warm and cozy all winter long. Choose a reliable contractor for your maintenance to ensure your HVAC system’s efficient performance. You can look for local companies by searching “air conditioning repair near me” or “best local HVAC contractors” online. Once you have a list of potential contractors, do your research and read reviews. If possible, ask for references or previous clients you can contact. 

You can save a lot in the long run by investing in routine HVAC tune-ups. Inspections are the best way to identify minor issues before they turn into costly repairs such as a blown capacitator, failed compressor or clogged drain line. Aside from that, your system will also last longer, and you’ll be able to enjoy more savings on your utility bills. 

Turn to Albert AIr Inc. for high-quality HVAC solutions for your home or business. We offer comprehensive maintenance services. Our team also specializes in air conditioning service and repair. Call us at (714) 278-4185 or fill out our online form for a free estimate.