Why You Shouldn’t Shut Off Your AC Even When No One’s Home

There’s nothing like a well-deserved summer getaway. As you plan out your vacation, you might be wondering how you can keep your AC costs low while you’re away. Shutting off your system while you’re not at home might seem like the best thing to do, but doing so can lead to other problems in time. Our HVAC repair team at Albert Air Inc. shares more insight.

Why You Shouldn’t Turn Off Your AC System

At first, you might think that it doesn’t make sense to keep your AC running if no one’s home. But given the high summer temperatures, your living spaces can quickly heat up, especially during the afternoon. And with heat comes excessive humidity, which can lead to damage as it lingers within your interior for extended periods. Your AC system is also responsible for dehumidifying your home but if it’s switched off, you can’t keep indoor humidity at bay. This can lead to the growth of mold and fungus as well as dust mites.

Finding the Right Setting

Air conditioning service contractors agree that the indoor temperature setting shouldn’t be higher than 84 degrees while no one’s home. This is assuming that summer temperatures are in the 90s. As a guide to selecting a setting, add five degrees to your usual setting when you’re at home. For instance, if you normally set your thermostat to 72 degrees in summer, consider setting it to around 77.

Also, when leaving your AC system on while on vacation, you can still practice energy conservation and maximize your home’s efficiency. Before you leave, be sure to check that your windows and doors are shut properly. Inspect the attic and basement for any sign of drafts and leaks. Sealing them properly helps prevent cool air from escaping your home and keeps your monthly utility bills low. If you have curtains and window shades, close them to keep the sunlight and heat from getting through windows.

Search “air conditioning repair near me” online and it will lead you to one of the top results: Albert Air Inc. Count on our team of certified HVAC technicians to assist you with your cooling needs this summer. Call (714) 526-6368 or fill out our online request form to schedule an appointment.