What a Good HVAC Maintenance Checklist Looks Like

A well-maintained HVAC system ensures optimal performance and longevity, providing homeowners with consistent indoor comfort. An effective HVAC maintenance checklist is an invaluable tool for keeping the system in peak condition. In this post, local heating and air conditioning service provider Albert Air Inc. shares what it usually consists of.

Filter Changes

At the top of any HVAC maintenance checklist should be regular filter changes. Filters trap dust, allergens and other airborne particles, ensuring clean air circulation within your home. However, these filters can become clogged over time, forcing your HVAC system to work harder, which can then reduce its efficiency. Regularly inspecting and replacing filters—at least every 90 days, or more frequently depending on whether you use the system every day or if you have pets at home—can help maintain system efficiency and improve indoor air quality.

Component Inspection and Maintenance

Apart from filter changes, a good HVAC maintenance checklist should also include regular inspection and maintenance of key components. For instance, an HVAC repair and servicing company will keep your outdoor unit clean and free from obstructions to ensure its optimal performance. The evaporator coil, which absorbs heat from your home’s air, should be cleaned annually to prevent build-up that can inhibit heat transfer. Lastly, the thermostat must be calibrated so it can accurately measure indoor air temperatures.

Regular Maintenance Schedule

While there are many tasks homeowners can take on by themselves, certain aspects of HVAC maintenance are best left to the professionals. Annual professional maintenance should include thorough system cleaning, refrigerant level checks, electrical connection inspections and overall system performance assessment.

Your Partner in HVAC Maintenance

An effective HVAC maintenance checklist includes regular filter changes, inspection and maintenance of key components and annual professional maintenance. Implementing these practices can help ensure your HVAC system’s efficiency and longevity.

Still searching “air conditioning repair near me” online? Look no further than Albert Air Inc.! Call us at (714) 526-6368 or fill out this contact form to learn more about our preventative maintenance agreements.