Improve AC Performance With These Simple Tips

The summer heat can be unbearable on some days, which is why it’s wonderful to have an air conditioning system to keep your home comfortable. With regular care and maintenance from a professional air conditioning service technician, your unit can get you through the hottest weather and maintain comfortable indoor temperatures. A well-maintained system also keeps the indoor air quality clean to breathe as it prevents mold growth and allergy triggers.

At some point, however, you might find that your AC system’s performance isn’t up to par. Fortunately, there are ways you can improve it with only a few simple steps. With the help of an experienced AC technician, you can learn tricks that boost the efficiency of your system. Some require additional investment, but these upgrades go a long way in extending your system’s service life as well as increasing indoor air quality and comfort.

Albert Air Inc., the top contractor when you search “air conditioning repair near me” online, shares a few helpful tips and tricks to consider.

Upgrade Your Thermostat

It pays to have a reliable thermostat that can keep your air conditioner running smoothly. If you still have a manual thermostat installed, consider upgrading to a programmable or smart thermostat. Although manual thermostats are simple in design, they’re not always reliable when in use. Even with a slide or dial thermostat, you’ll have to manually adjust the settings to throughout the day. This is not only tedious but also inefficient for your home in the long run. And if you choose to leave it at the same temperature all day and night, the indoor temperatures can fluctuate and you’ll have rooms that are either too hot or too cold. 

If you want to improve your system’s performance and efficiency, discuss with your trusted HVAC repair technician which thermostat options are best for your unit. Of course, you’ll need to consider the make and size of your model, along with your preferences on how you want to heat and cool your home. It should at least be a programmable thermostat that can be set at desired temperatures that are automatically adjusted according to the weather and your routine. You’ll benefit from its accuracy in determining indoor temperatures in real time, which means it can keep your air conditioner at just the right temperature to provide ample indoor comfort.

Smart thermostats cost a bit more than a programmable thermostat, but they’re worth the investment because they offer more features and benefits. They’re Wifi-enabled, which lets you adjust your indoor temperatures from anywhere through a smartphone app. Some models can even provide energy reports and remind you when it’s to replace the air filter! 

Check Your Vents

You’ll find vents in different areas of your home. Make sure that they’re regularly cleaned so that any accumulated dust and debris won’t affect your home’s indoor air quality. They shouldn’t be blocked by furniture or other objects that obstruct airflow. This can go a long way in improving your indoor comfort, but the presence of obstructions around the vents can force your air conditioner to work harder than necessary to maintain the right temperature. 

Get Proper Attic Insulation

Professional HVAC repair technicians also recommend adding attic insulation to improve energy efficiency, so make sure that you have the recommended amount installed. Otherwise, lost energy can offset the savings of these other improvements. The type of insulation that will be installed in your attic should be discussed with a roofing professional. Here are some of the most popular types:

Clean Your Outdoor Condenser Unit

Your air conditioning service technician will inspect the outdoor condenser unit of your AC system during a routine maintenance check. Before the scheduled date of service, make sure there are no obstructions around the immediate area where the unit is installed. Trim back branches and clear leaves and weeds from around the unit. This way, you ensure continuous airflow in and out of the condenser unit.

Seal Your Home

When checking if your home has adequate insulation installed, you should ensure that it’s tightly sealed for the season. There shouldn’t be any drafts which let cool air seep through and affect indoor comfort. Your windows and doors must be checked and if you feel air leaks between the frames, they should be sealed properly.

When you need “air conditioning repair near me“, turn to Albert Air Inc. We are the leading provider of high-quality comfort services in north Orange County, including Fullerton and Anaheim. With our worry-free repair and maintenance services, you can enjoy greater comfort and energy savings as well as improved air quality and longer service life for your AC unit. Give us a call today at (714) 526-6368! You may also fill out our online request form to schedule an appointment.