HVAC Preventive Maintenance Plans & Their Benefits

With spring newly arrived, it’s important to make sure that your HVAC system will keep you cool despite the rising temperatures that come with the season. Whether in your home or on a commercial property, it’s important that your HVAC system is maintained by a trusted heating and air conditioning service technician in order to keep the inhabitants comfortable and healthy.

Many home and business owners follow a preventive maintenance plan to achieve this, as it ensures that their HVAC system won’t break down. You’ve probably heard about maintenance plans before, like those in roofing. The same fundamental principle is also applied in HVAC maintenance to keep the system running in peak condition and address any problems before they get more expensive to repair.

With regular HVAC inspections done by a trusted professional, you can be sure that your system will last for many years! As the best choice when searching online for “air conditioning repair near me”, here Albert Air discusses how you can benefit from a professional HVAC preventive maintenance plan:

How a Maintenance Plan Works

HVAC preventive maintenance is a professionally thorough inspection of your system that helps ensure top performance and trouble-free operation. While some services are free as part of the contract, others require additional payment. HVAC preventive maintenance is all about the thorough servicing of your HVAC unit, along with its ventilation.

With our services, we approach each preventative maintenance agreement by designing comprehensive, customized solutions to maximize the life of the HVAC system. This includes superficial functions such as cleaning, tightening nuts and bolts and topping refrigerant off to the appropriate level. Our maintenance plan also offers:

If you’re wondering how often your HVAC system should be serviced, we recommend doing it at least twice a year: once at the beginning of spring and again at the end of fall. This is because it’s ideal to have one tune-up in the spring before you use your air conditioning unit to keep your home cool throughout the season, and again in the fall before your furnace needs to start being used again.

Finding the Right Technician

The right HVAC repair technician will be able to effectively maintain your HVAC system and prevent any future problems throughout it’s expected lifespan. When looking for prospective contractors, check their licenses and certifications if they’re qualified to take care of your HVAC system.

Keep in mind that price isn’t the only thing you should consider when hiring a contractor. When you find one that offers a seemingly good deal on preventative maintenance that is also below the local market’s average price, think twice before signing a contract. This is often just a ploy to entice people into hiring them. They then charge for unnecessary repairs.

Before signing anything, check the details involving how much you’ll be paying, as well as the fine print for additional terms and conditions which could have an impact on the preventive maintenance contract. It’s also potentially cheaper to pay for routine maintenance from your own pocket, but if you opt for a contract, make sure that it includes emergency repairs.

How An HVAC Maintenance Plan Benefits You

If you’re wondering whether a preventive HVAC maintenance plan is worth the investment, it definitely is! Of course, if you recently upgraded to a new HVAC system, then you’re probably thinking that you won’t need this for a while. However, your manufacturer still demands that your HVAC system undergo regular maintenance to keep the warranty intact. Failing to do so can void it, as the absence of maintenance will only multiply the problems your HVAC system encounters over time.

If you don’t get your system serviced immediately when it encounters an issue, you’ll only be propagating the problem, which can void your warranty. To help you understand more about how a preventive HVAC maintenance plan works, our HVAC repair team explains some of the best benefits below:

Loss costly repairs – If your HVAC system is well-maintained, you’ll have less trouble compared to one in which maintenance is completely overlooked. This is due to the fact that regular maintenance allows the technician to take care of any minor issues spotted during an inspection before they become major problems. Fixing the problem early on will cost you far less than waiting for it to escalate into an expensive repair or replacement.

Lower energy bills – Regular HVAC maintenance increases your system’s efficiency. This means less energy consumption and lower energy bills! Keeping a close eye on your HVAC system and allowing your trusted HVAC technician to make adjustments and improvements in its operation helps you save money, and is better for the environment as well.

Your HVAC system’s lifespan is extended – As you continue using your HVAC system, its components will deteriorate and wear down over time. If you don’t address these concerns, the unit won’t work as efficiently as it should, and will operate under tremendous pressure. This will lead it to malfunction more often and eventually break down in the end.

By taking care of your HVAC system through regular maintenance, you won’t have to worry about your unit failing and breaking down. This is because periodic maintenance will give your unit a new lease of life, allowing you to enjoy its usefulness for a longer period of time.

Improved air quality – Proper ventilation and routine filter changes are your first line of defense against contaminants and airborne diseases. This is only possible through comprehensive preventive HVAC maintenance visits performed by a trusted heating and air conditioning service technician. Preventative maintenance agreements will help your system overcome these challenges while keeping your indoor air safe and healthy to breathe.

Maintenance can be conducted around your schedule – If you want your routine HVAC checks to be conducted during your free time, we can work around your schedule. We can also dispatch the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance procedures for your HVAC equipment on a predetermined schedule!

When looking for a reliable HVAC technician or searching online for “air conditioning repair near me”, Albert Air has got you covered. Just call us at (714) 526-6368 or fill out our online request form to get started!