How to Keep Your HVAC Unit Running Efficiently This Fall

Fall weather in this part of the United States is usually milder compared to other areas, which means continued use of air conditioning systems. However, this places the units’ interior components under unnecessary stress, affecting their performance, efficiency, and the energy budget of most households.

The good news is that there are ways you can keep your HVAC unit running efficiently this fall. Trusted HVAC repair contractor Albert Air Inc. shares a few helpful tips worth considering.

Set Your Thermostat to a Higher Temperature

The further away the indoor temperatures are from the temperature outside, the harder your HVAC has to work. When this happens, it will experience more strain and become less efficient in providing comfort in your home. Consider raising the thermostat closer to outdoor temperatures or between 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit during the day. This prevents your HVAC system from working too hard to maintain indoor comfort, thus reducing your home’s monthly energy consumption.

Clean and Maintain Your Outdoor Unit

As the wind picks up during fall, fallen tree leaves and twigs can quickly accumulate on and around your outdoor unit. These pieces of debris can easily restrict airflow and affect your HVAC system’s overall performance. Make the time to clean your unit this fall so that it won’t get strained to keep your home comfortable. You should also have it inspected and maintained by a professional air conditioning service contractor to ensure it runs smoothly and efficiently during the fall and winter months. 

Turn on the Automatic Setting in Your Thermostat

Most thermostats have at least two settings to maintain indoor air quality and comfort. One setting keeps your HVAC unit running until you manually shut it off, while the other setting shuts off the unit once it reaches the desired indoor temperature. This automatic setting helps keep your unit operating more efficiently since it will only run when necessary to maintain your home’s indoor comfort. This setting also means you won’t have to manually adjust the thermostat whenever temperatures start dropping.

Get in Touch With Albert Air Inc.

Search “air conditioning repair near me” on Google and it will return its top result: Albert Air Inc. With our worry-free repair services, you can benefit from greater comfort and energy savings, improved indoor air quality, longer service life for your HVAC system, and reduced repair costs. To schedule a service appointment, call us at (714) 526-6368 or fill out our online request form for a free estimate.