Getting the Most Out of Your Ductless Air Conditioner This Summer

Ductless air conditioning can be a great way to keep your home–or specific parts of it–cool and comfortable, especially during the summer. A ductless air conditioner, also called a mini-split system, is an ideal heating and air conditioning solution for a space that isn’t connected to a central heating or cooling system. The mini-split ductless system provides air conditioning service for a single zone with reliable comfort using one indoor unit, an outdoor unit and a remote control.

Whether it’s winter or summer, a ductless heat pump will keep your indoor temperature and environment at comfortable levels, providing a practical solution to a home’s heating and cooling requirements without the need for an extended teardown or installation process. Moreover, if you keep a keen eye on your utility bills, a ductless heat pump makes the most sense.

If you’re concerned about maintaining a healthy indoor climate without negatively affecting your energy bills, then a ductless heat pump should be number one on your to-do list. The low maintenance costs, hassle-free, flexible operations and smart functionality of ductless heat pumps are what you should be looking at to keep your household environment comfortable.

Here HVAC repair experts from Albert Air, Inc., share some great ways to easily increase the effectiveness and efficiency of your air conditioning system and make the most of your summer.

Use your programmable thermostat wisely. The temperature setting on your thermostat needs to be at a reasonable number in order to keep you cool without driving up your energy bills. According to the Department of Energy, the best setting to shoot for during the summer is 78° during the day. This keeps the house reasonably cool without putting too much strain on your air conditioner.

Use the oven or dryer during the cooler hours of the day. When possible, try to use appliances like your oven or dryer during the early morning or late evening. Or better yet, line dry your clothes (if possible) and barbeque outdoors more often.

Open windows in the cooler hours and close them during the heat of the day. This sounds like a no-brainer, but the energy savings can be huge. Take advantage of late evening or early morning breezes to give your air conditioning service a rest. Letting fresh air into your house is also good for your health, as it keeps your indoor air from becoming stuffy and full of indoor allergens.

On the flip side, make sure to close your windows during the day and pull the curtains or blinds shut when you’re away from home. Letting loose of the curtains and drapes prevents intense summer heat from invading your interior and reduces the load on your ductless system.

Clean the condenser. Just as it’s important to clean out a dryer vent to prevent lint from clogging the system, debris needs to be cleaned out of the air conditioner’s condenser on a regular basis. Inspect the condenser, looking for any trash, leaves, twigs or other debris, then remove all of it. Next, clean the condenser with a garden hose, being careful not to damage the fins and other parts.

Make sure your home is properly sealed. It’s advisable to make sure your windows and door frames are sealed and free of cracks that would let in hot air from the outside. Search online for ‘air conditioning repair near me’ to check and make sure that all of the connections in your ductwork are sealed. Gaps in these connections will allow cooled air to escape to the attic or even the outdoors.

Strategically close vents. Ductless systems are designed to facilitate the entire house at once. However, you can partially close the vents in the rooms you don’t use very frequently. Closing vents in these areas of the house can direct cooler air to the rooms requiring more temperature regulation, which can also reduce utility bills.

Unblock vents. Walk around the house to check all the vents. If there’s furniture blocking them, take the time to rearrange the layout. Make sure that air can freely flow through the room.

Keep the unit on. On cooler summer days, some people are tempted to turn off their air conditioner. This can help them save money, right? Wrong. If they wait to turn their air conditioner on until it’s too warm, then the system will have to work harder to cool the house and remove excess humidity. Instead, leave the unit on and turn it up to 78 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.

Have the unit serviced. Having a professional attend to the air conditioner can be a great way to ensure that nothing is wrong with it. The professional will look for any issues and find ways to perform HVAC repairs before the problems become bigger. This should be done when switching from the furnace to the air conditioner and then from the air conditioner back to the furnace. Regularly servicing the equipment helps extend its life and ensure that it will stay in great condition for as long as possible.

Use ceiling fans. Using ceiling fans in your rooms will allow you to set your AC thermostat a couple of degrees higher. Ceiling fans typically use a very small amount of electricity in comparison to even the most energy-efficient air conditioner. However, make sure that the ceiling fan blades are turning counterclockwise to properly circulate cool air and move hot air up and away from your family.

Regularly replace the filter. The HVAC filter is something that should be replaced every three months. Contact your local HVAC service providers by searching ‘air conditioning repair providers near me’ online so they can check it every month and make replacements as necessary. Forgetting to replace the filter can cause the system to work harder to cool the house until the system ends up freezing over.

Following these tips will help you get the most out of your ductless heating and cooling system. You’ll be rewarded with a more comfortable home, lower energy bills and a longer life for your ductless system!

As the leading source for heating and air conditioning service in the area, Albert Air Inc. offers only the highest-quality products from Carrier®, the country’s trusted HVAC brand. From gas furnaces and air conditioners to heat pumps and indoor air quality solutions, our units deliver reliable, long-lasting performance.

Call us today at (714) 248-0238 or fill out our online form to get a free estimate and schedule your consultation.