7 HVAC Repairs That You Should Leave to the Professionals

At some point, your HVAC system will encounter a problem that prevents it from providing comfort. When this happens, rolling up your sleeves and fixing it yourself might be tempting. While this is commendable, keep in mind that HVAC repair jobs often require professional expertise. This isn’t just for efficiency’s sake, but it’s also to ensure your safety and prevent further, often more expensive, damage to your system.

Here’s a look at the different types of repair jobs that are best left in the hands of the licensed and certified technicians.

1. Toying With Electrical Components

HVAC units heavily involve electrical connections. Trying to fix an HVAC unit on your own can be risky, affecting not just the equipment itself but also your well-being. Indeed, the internal wiring of an HVAC unit is intricate and complicated. Inadequate or improper handling can lead to irreversible damage to the entire unit. More importantly, handling such electrical components with the appliance connected to the power supply may cause an electrical shock. Professional HVAC repair personnel are trained to deal with such fixes, and it is highly advised to rely upon their expertise.

2. Fixing Refrigerant Leaks

An HVAC system that doesn’t have adequate levels of refrigerant will struggle to cool a home effectively. If your air conditioner isn’t cooling efficiently, it might be due to a leak along the refrigerant lines. Fixing this, however, is not as simple as it sounds.

Refrigerant is a dangerous chemical that can harm your skin and eyes. Inhaling refrigerant gas can also lead to headaches, dizziness and, in extreme cases, asphyxiation. Consequently, only certified professionals should handle this hazardous substance.

Moreover, simply adding refrigerant to a system with a leak still present is only a temporary solution. The root cause of the problem still exists and will continue to worsen over time. A professional air conditioning service can identify, locate and repair the leak, ensuring your system functions properly.

3. Repairing or Replacing an HVAC Compressor

Arguably the heart of your HVAC system, the compressor plays a critical role in the proper functioning of your AC system, particularly the transfer of heat from the indoors to the outdoors during the cooling process. Like most HVAC components, it can also fail, and it’s usually due to extreme conditions like excessive heat.

Most commonly, homeowners identify compressor problems when their system fails to cool their homes adequately, even when the fan is running. Replacing or repairing a compressor, however, is a highly technical job. Improperly handling the compressor can have disastrous effects on your entire system and can lead to costly repairs down the line.

4. Replacing a Heat Exchanger

A furnace has a heat exchanger that carries out the critical task of transferring heat from the combustion gases to your home’s air supply, thus allowing the heating system to provide warmth during the cold days. Problems with this component, such as cracks, can lead to a dangerous situation as deadly carbon monoxide can leak into your home.

Replacing a heat exchanger is no easy task. The heat exchanger’s location (usually within your furnace) typically necessitates dismantling large chunks of your HVAC system. This task is not only laborious but also requires explicit knowledge to avoid causing further damage to the system or compromising its efficiency. Leave such repairs to licensed HVAC professionals.

5. Gas Supply Repairs

Natural gas is commonly used in HVAC systems, especially furnaces. Any HVAC repair that involves tampering with the gas line is potentially hazardous and could result in severe injury or property damage. Legal regulations usually require professionals to handle these tasks.

6. Resolving Ignition Problems

If your furnace doesn’t ignite, there might be a problem with the ignition system. Such an issue can arise from various causes, such as faulty ignition switches or problems with the pilot light or heat sensors.

Resolving ignition problems demands an understanding of how different components of your HVAC system interact, including the gas supply. Any mistakes could lead to gas leaks, a significant threat to your property and personal safety. Always consult with a professional if you experience ignition-related problems.

7. Recalibrating the Thermostat

While it might seem simple, recalibrating the thermostat can be quite complicated, especially for programmable or smart thermostats. Incorrect calibration can lead to inefficiencies with your HVAC system, increasing energy costs.

Trying to adjust or calibrate your thermostat without the proper knowledge can result in incorrect temperature settings, leading your HVAC system to run frequently or not enough. It can also lead to short cycling, which puts premature wear on the system.

Safe HVAC Maintenance Tasks You Can Do on Your Own

The tasks discussed above are not fit for a DIY job. However, there are some preventative maintenance tasks you can handle by yourself safely and effectively. Here are a few:

Call Us for All Your HVAC Repair Needs

If you have searched “air conditioning repair services near me“, make Albert Air Inc. your first choice. We are always ready to provide the quality service you deserve. Call us at (714) 526-6368, or visit our contact page to schedule an appointment. We’re ready to keep your HVAC system in great condition and performing efficiently.