4 Benefits of a Furnace Tune-Up

Every residential heating system accumulates dust, dirt and other particulates that affect efficiency and performance. Without regular maintenance, this buildup can cause your utility bills to soar, as well as shorten the lifespan of the unit. Having it checked by a trusted HVAC repair technician ensures all components are in good working condition. Here’s a look at the benefits of a furnace tune-up:

Tune-Ups Help Prevent Sudden Malfunctions

Comfort issues arise when HVAC equipment starts to break down due to loose or damaged components that are struggling to work correctly. When this happens, the whole unit has to work harder for longer periods of time to keep it comfortably warm inside the house. A tune-up will help prevent frequent breakdowns such as these from occurring.

Tune-Ups Increase Energy Efficiency

Heating and cooling costs account for 50% of the electric bill of the average home. You can decrease this amount and increase your savings by having your furnace cleaned and repaired. In doing so, you get a unit that runs much more smoothly than it would if left neglected.

Tune-Ups Keep Everyone in Your Home Safe

Scheduling regular heating and air conditioning service appointments doesn’t just ensure quality performance from your HVAC unit; it’s also a way to catch problems that can lead to hazardous conditions. During a furnace tune-up, the technician will check the electrical wiring and safety controls inside the system. A few tweaks make all the difference in preventing mechanical failures that could lead to the production of carbon monoxide.

Tune-Ups Keep Warranties Valid and Up-to-Date

HVAC systems come with manufacturers’ warranties that cover specific parts and large-scale repairs for a set period of time. Make sure to become familiar with what’s written in the warranty contract. After all, you wouldn’t want to find out your warranty has been voided because you haven’t been keeping up with the required maintenance.

When asking yourself, “Where can I find heating and air conditioning repair near me?”, just remember that you can count on Albert Air Inc. Whether you need to repair a furnace or replace an AC unit, our certified technicians are ready to meet and exceed your expectations.

Give us a call at (714) 526-6368 or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate or schedule a service.