Why Your Heat Pump Won’t Shut Down

One problem you may encounter with your heat pump is difficulty with turning the unit off. However, this issue can be easily detected and repaired by your HVAC contractor. In this post, a trusted HVAC repair expert talks about reasons why heat pumps refuse to turn off.

Extremely Low Temperatures

Furnaces use raw power to quickly heat the house. On the other hand, heat pumps do the job more gradually and keep rooms comfortable by maintaining a steady flow of warm air circulating within the home. It means that when it’s really cold outside, your heat pump might run all day to keep up with the ambient outdoor temperatures, making it seem like there’s a problem when there isn’t.

Thermostat Problem

Before calling a pro for help, check if your settings are correct. The thermostat might be malfunctioning or the wiring connecting it to the heat pump controls may be damaged if the settings look right and the unit isn’t turning off. For this problem, you’ll need to contact an HVAC contractor. One way to find a heating and cooling expert is by going online and searching “heating or air conditioning repair near me.” Before hiring a company, make sure to do your research, read reviews, and ask for recommendations.

Contactor Damage

The compressor contactor controls how much power gets to your heat pump. Without proper maintenance, this component can get damaged. It may also encounter issues due to age or an incident. When it’s not functioning properly, you won’t be able to turn off your pump.

At Albert Air Inc., we have been helping homeowners and property managers for nearly four decades. Whether you need a heating or air conditioning service, our team is here to help. We specialize in ductless systems, heat pumps, gas furnaces, and more. Call us at (714) 526-6368 or complete our contact form to get a free estimate.